Get Paid When Your Vendors Invoice Faster

Tired of waiting for vendor invoices? Refer them to Base and earn 30% of their monthly subscription – while getting your invoices faster and more accurately. It’s a win-win: they modernize their operations, you get paid faster, and you earn recurring revenue.

Trusted by leading offshore operators worldwide

Logo of SEA.O.G featuring a stylized wave design within a circular shape to the left of the text "SEA.O.G" in bold, dark font, symbolizing excellence in port logistics.
Logo for Gulf M Contractors featuring a stylized letter "G" to the left, followed by "GULF" in bold and "CONTRACTORS" in smaller, uppercase letters on a transparent background, subtly hinting at port logistics with its sleek and efficient design.
The logo of "Float Freight" showcases a stylized geometric design, resembling an upward arrow within a hexagon, symbolizing streamlined port logistics. To the right, the text "FLOAT FREIGHT" appears in bold uppercase letters, reflecting strength and reliability.
Logo of "Allseas" featuring stylized dark blue geometric shapes reminiscent of port logistics on the left and the word "seas" in lowercase letters on the right.
Logo for Offshore Compliance Services, LLC featuring a stylized compass design to the left of the text, inspired by port logistics and maritime expertise.


Think About Your Vendors Who...

🚨 Do Your Vendors Still...


🏆 With Base, They'll...

These vendors are perfect candidates for Base – you'll earn monthly commissions while getting faster, more accurate documentation from them.

Get Started with a Simple 3-Step Process

1. Get Your Referral Link

Sign up and get your referral link (2 minutes)

2. Share Your Link

Share with vendors who need to modernize their billing

3. Reap The Rewards

Earn 30% of their subscription every month while getting faster invoices
Dockworkers looking at folder with PDA in shipping documents

Benefits For Everyone

A true win-win partnership that improves operations across your supply chain. Your vendors get:

We'll Handle The Heavy Lifting

Focus on connecting us with your vendors – our team manages everything else.
Crane stacking cargoes at a port (what is demurrage)


Start With Just One Vendor

Think of a vendor who could benefit from faster invoicing and better cost tracking. Share Base, improve your workflow, and earn monthly commissions – all while helping them modernize their operations.